Speaker Abbas Tajudeen Addresses Public Concerns Over ‘Counter Subversion Bill, 2024.

3 min read

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Abbas Tajudeen, has addressed concerns about the “Counter Subversion Bill, 2024 (HB. 1652),” which he sponsored. In response to media reports and public discussions about the bill, Tajudeen expressed gratitude for the public’s interest and recognized its importance for national security. Through his media aide, Musa Krishi, he emphasized the necessity of clarifying the bill’s purpose and legislative details to ensure that the public fully understands its intent and implications.

Counter Subversion Bill, 2024 (HB. 1652) was introduced to the House of Representatives on July 23, 2024. Currently, the bill is at the introductory stage and has not yet undergone detailed legislative review. Its primary goal is to enhance Nigeria’s anti-terrorism framework by targeting subversive activities conducted by various groups, including associations, organizations, militias, cults, bandits, and other banned entities.

The “Counter Subversion Bill, 2024 (HB. 1652)” is modeled after similar legislation in countries such as the United Kingdom, Spain, India, Turkey, Canada, and Australia. Speaker Abbas Tajudeen, emphasizing the House of Representatives as the “People’s House,” encouraged active public engagement and discussion regarding the bill. He underscored the importance of public feedback in shaping the final legislation. The bill will undergo a comprehensive parliamentary process, including a Second Reading where its advantages and disadvantages will be thoroughly debated by House members.

 During the Second Reading of the “Counter Subversion Bill, 2024 (HB. 1652),” the bill could either be rejected or approved to advance to the next stage. If it passes this reading, it will be sent to the relevant House Committee for further examination and legislative action.

The committee is required to hold a public hearing, inviting the Nigerian public and relevant stakeholders to participate and provide input on the bill.

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Abbas Tajudeen, has addressed the concerns surrounding the “Counter Subversion Bill, 2024 (HB. 1652),” which he introduced on July 23, 2024. The bill is currently in its introductory phase and has not yet been fully scrutinized.

The bill aims to bolster Nigeria’s anti-terrorism measures by targeting subversive activities from various groups, including banned organizations and militias. It is modeled after similar legislation in countries like the UK, Spain, India, Turkey, Canada, and Australia.

Tajudeen welcomed public engagement, emphasizing that feedback from Nigerians is vital in shaping the legislation. Once the bill passes the Second Reading, it will be reviewed by a House Committee, which will conduct a public hearing inviting citizens and stakeholders to provide their views either in person or through written submissions.

Following the committee’s review and report, the bill will proceed to the Third Reading. If approved, it will be sent to the Senate and, upon Senate approval, to the President for final assent. The President can either sign the bill into law or withhold assent.

Tajudeen reassured that the bill is intended to serve national security interests broadly and does not target any specific group. He affirmed that the legislative process will be transparent and inclusive, with Nigerian voices playing a crucial role in the final decision.

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